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Six Senses Shaharut Resort in Israel’s desert is one of the 100 best hotels in the world

Photo by Amit Giron

The prestigious “Travel and Leisure” magazine annually selects the hotels and resorts that have left the best impression on its editors and reporters. The team was particularly impressed by the breathtaking views, the architecture that blends in with the desert environment and the adherence to the values of sustainability

Just eight months after its opening, the prestigious Six Senses Shaharut resort, located in the Israeli desert, entered the list of the best hotels in the world by the leading magazine “Travel and Leisure”. the list was published in the April issue.

“Travel and Leisure” is one of the most important and influential magazines in the world of tourism. The editors and reporters of the magazine ranked the hotels and resorts that left the best impression. Over the past year, the magazine’s staff has visited and surveyed hundreds of new and refurbished resorts around the world, which have since been reduced to the top 100.

“In order to reach this oasis in the south of the State of Israel, visitors must embark on a journey, since the hotel is located in an almost desolate desert space along the Perfume Road”, wrote the magazine. “When guests arrive, the hotel staff greets you with iced tea and refreshing date cookies, accompanied by breathtaking views of golden sand dunes and the dramatic Edom Mountains.”

“Ensuring minimal light pollution”

The magazine staff emphasized the building style of the hotel, which blends in with the natural landscape of the desert environment. “Instead of towering over its desert surroundings, the hotel’s low, hewn buildings (made of limestone excavated at the site) are almost completely camouflaged in the terrain”. The 60 suites and pool villas are decorated with locally made ceramics and tapestries cover the TV (they can be raised via remote control). “As well as a local organic garden, the products of which you will find in the hotel’s four restaurants.

“at Travel and Leisure we know that in recent years the world has changed significantly and presented unprecedented challenges to the tourism industry, making this win even more extraordinary and special.”

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