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Among the options available today for creating a new, impressive website without paying for it, the simplest way is probably the Google Blogger system

When you want to create a new website, most chances are that the first thing you’ll do is check the possibility of a free website – and save a lot of money.

Building a website with a digital agency or a private developer can cost quite a lot, for many work hours of characterization, design, development and sometimes content, while building a website for free may save the website owner a significant amount of money, and relatively easily. Here we will explain the simplest way to do it, without any experience in programming, content management systems or websites in general.

Today there are quite a few options for building a website for free, the best of which are, for example, the rather impressive WordPress or Wix system, in addition to many free platforms that can be found around the web, which produce very basic websites and are almost devoid of real design.

Hello, Blogger

But the most convenient system for the simple user – the one who has no knowledge or experience in programming, designing or creating websites – is probably the free Blogger system, which was purchased by Google and today allows you to build a website for free in less than five minutes.

In fact, Blogger is a very basic and simple system for anyone to operate, and provides a selection of attractive design templates, a variety of backgrounds to choose from, an easy arrangement of the website structure and easy content entry. Blogger is a system through which anyone can build a website for free, even if it’s not blogs but content websites or image websites for anything.

But I don’t want a blog. I want a free website!
True, a blog is a somewhat daunting concept. When setting up a new website for a business or office, everyone wants a serious and respectable website. No one wants their site to be just a blog, and rightfully so. Every business or company needs a “real” website, one with a domain address that does not include the word “blog”.

Buy in practice, there is no difference between a blog and a website – both are websites that can also look exactly the same, but with the help of Blogger’s system, you can also avoid the embarrassment of the domain name: Blogger allows you to transfer any blog established through it to the owner’s normal domain, so that in fact no one can tell the original site started as a blog.

What do sites look like that are built in Blogger’s system?
Many websites are operated today using the Blogger platform, among them impressive and beautiful websites no less than ordinary websites that were built with a significant financial investment.

So how do you build a website for free?
Building a free website in Blogger’s system requires an active Google account to connect to the system and set up the website. To get started, you must enter the name of the requested blog and the domain address for the blog, which can later be transferred to a separate domain of the owner.

From that moment, the website is online: you can determine the background image, the font, the colors, the structure and the additions that will appear on it alongside the content, such as designed banners, the option to join the newsletter, text boxes, images and more. It’s worth checking and trying to build a free website before deciding to build a paid website, but be careful… it’s totally addictive.

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