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6 Ways to take better photos with your smartphone

Photo by Shutterstock

Most of us take pictures with a smartphone all the time, but are not always satisfied with the result. Here are some recommendations that will help you upgrade the photos you took on the family trip or hanging out with friends, with minimal effort

Since smartphones entered our lives, every social gathering, vacation or just everyday life – is recorded on the phone’s lens. The simple digital photography on the mobile device allows us to take tens or even hundreds of photos at any event, and send them in a second to anyone we want.

For those who are not professional photographers but still enjoy taking pictures and want to improve the quality of their photography, we have collected some important tips that will upgrade any photo.

Get closer to your subjects

Most amateur photographers photo people, without thinking too much about where they are located in the frame – the main thing is that they are there. And so we get a picture of a huge street with a small figure in the distance, which cannot be seen properly and is simply missed. There is no reason to “waste” the entire frame on the environment, especially if it is not particularly spectacular, when you want to photograph a person or an animal.

Head and frame

There is a concept in photography called “Head Room”, and it is basically the space between the head of your subject and the upper border of the photo. Note that this margin is not too large, and thus you can get more from your photo, and accordingly the photo will look much more successful.

Pay attention to focus

In most smartphone cameras, you can easily focus on a certain object by pressing the screen where you want the focus, but most people do not know or ignore this option. A small click in the focus of the image will allow the person you photographed to be seen clearly, thus you will easily avoid blurry photos.

Flash? Try not to

Shooting with direct flash can give a bright and unflattering look to your subjects, yet many people choose this option even when there is no need for it, or set the camera to use it automatically. Before turning on the flash, you should try and take a photo without it as well (clicking on the screen to focus will also illuminate the selected part of the image, on quite a few devices).

In the case of serious darkness, you can use the flashlight of another mobile device and give a lateral or further light, which will not be as strong as the flash, but more gentle than it.

Children at eye level

We don’t notice it most of the time, but since we are taller than small children, most of their photos come out at a high angle, and thus the great potential of facial expression and gaze, which are very important especially in children, is missed. Try to get down to the child’s eye level and take a picture of him, and you will see a significant difference between the pictures.

Plan your frame

This is perhaps the most important tip about photography, no matter what device. Most of us tend to just point and click, but if we take a moment to think about our frame, what is in it and especially what we don’t want to appear in it, where is our object and how much of it is visible – the photos you take will be much, much more successful.

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